The show will take place at The Regency & King Ballroom and feature elite wedding professionals from around the GTA who will provide you with all of the support and resources you will need while planning your special day. Network with Wedding Professionals who will inspire you in different ways, with a variety of décor, themes, ideas, and options. Couples will have an opportunity to encounter new concepts at every turn, providing each pair with an enriching, inviting and creative experience and an abundance of fresh ideas for their upcoming dream wedding.
- GRAND PRIZE – Classic round brilliant diamond claw set Wedding Band!
- Live Entertainment
- Hair & Makeup Trials
- Photo Booths for you and your friends
- Cake & Sweet Tastings
- Professional Wedding Consultations
- Pop up Dress Shop
- Amazing Contests
- Show Specials & Discounts from exhibitors and sponsors
- Complimentary Swag Bags with discounts and samples from our exhibitors and sponsors
Tickets are $10 – $25