Trade or sell new or gently used, fabulous clothes, designer brands, shoes, jewellery and beauty items to other swap members.
The concept is popular online with sites like Bunz and Poshmark and swap parties have taken off in cities like London, San Fran, New York and Paris.
Bring items that you no longer love, but that are still in a suitable condition to trade or sell to a new, loving home.
This is also a great opportunity to network and meet other fabulous women!
The event will take place January 18, 2020 in the party room at 21 Iceboat Terrace. There will be sips and nibbles, so even if you don’t bring anything to trade, you’re welcome to join us for the party!
Limited spots so get your tickets! Please feel free to text or call the number below if you have any questions.
Organizer contact:
Alina: 416-809-6272