Amazon is continually pushing the envelope when it comes to the e-commerce world. They disrupted the world with their easy delivery systems, and the mega-retailers looking to add another facet to improve delivery that might just creep you out a little. CNBC is reporting that Amazon is searching for a way to ensure that deliveries reach their rightful destination with an integrated home security system that would allow Amazon couriers to enter your home when you aren’t there.
While some people will obviously be against this idea, this could be a great solution for many Amazon shoppers. CNBC reports that Amazon has been working with Phrame – a company that makes “smart” license plate frames that can unlock your car trunk via an app, offering one-time time-limited access for a courier to open your drunk and place a package inside. This idea is being extrapolated to work on your house.
The real question will be, are you comfortable allowing a stranger into your house without you there? Let the debate begin.