The decision to splurge on a new designer purse can really break the bank. A viable alternative to buying ‘new’ is to save money by purchasing a used luxury handbag. While buying a pre-owned purse is not always an option for the latest designer styles, a ton of vintage and iconic luxury handbags can easily be purchased used at a discount.
We recently discovered the incredible selection of pre-loved luxury handbags at LXR & Co. tucked inside select Hudson’s Bay locations across Canada. We spoke with LXR & Co. to find out the perks of buying a used luxury handbag and what to look for before handing over your cash. Keep reading for what to consider when buying a used luxury handbag.
Confirm the Seller’s Return Policy and Authentication Practices
When buying a used luxury handbag, be sure to ask about the seller’s return policy (ask to see this in writing,) as well as their authentication process for determining if a handbag is real. Given the nature of buying used goods, it’s likely that all sales will be final. Knowing this, ensure that your pre-owned bag is 100% authentic so that you know you’re getting your money’s worth.
Research the Handbag as Though You’re Buying it Brand New
The primary reason for buying a used luxury handbag (versus a new bag,) is to save a bit of money. At LXR & Co., you’ll find pre-loved vintage bags and accessories reduced from 10% to 50% off the item’s original price. Pricing is based on the style and condition of the item. Before setting your expectations about how much money you’ll save on a used luxury handbag, consider the cost of buying the bag brand new, its popularity and availability based on your location — these will all factor into how much money you can save by buying used.
Be Realistic in Terms of the Bag’s Condition
When buying a used luxury handbag, ‘you get what you pay for’ has never been truer. The better the condition of the used handbag, the closer its price will be to the handbag’s full retail price. If you’re looking for a deep discount on a pre-owned bag, expect to find more noticeable scratches and marks on the bag from the previous owner. Whatever flaws are easily repairable will likely have been made by the seller in advance of the resale, therefore you can assume that any visible imperfections are permanent.
Play it Safe and Try Before You Buy
While you can find a ton of used luxury handbags for sale online, you can save on the cost of shipping and duties charged by most sellers by buying your bag in person. We love the convenience of touching and testing out the bags for sale at various LXR & Co. shops in nine Hudson’s Bay locations across Canada. Purchasing a used bag in person gives you a better understanding of the bag’s true condition, which can often be masked by poor quality photos.
Will you consider purchasing a used luxury handbag based on our tips? Leave a comment below.
All images by Cristina Avila
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