To buy a fake bag or not to buy a fake bag, what is the answer. For us, the answer is obviously no, you should never buy a fake product intentionally, but what do you if you think you’ve been duped? What do you want to do if you want to buy a luxury product from Kijiji or one of these other market places and you just aren’t’ sure if the product is real?
Well lucky for you a new tech startup called Entrupy has developed a product that can help you discover fake luxury products. Using a microscope camera and a mobile app, Entrupy claims that its technology can determine whether or not your purchase is fake or authentic. The app currently works with Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Balenciaga and other notable brands and supposedly has a 98% accuracy rate for spotting fakes.
Here’s how it works:
Currently, the device only works for handbags, but the company is looking for more ways to use the technology.
We aren’t 100% sure who the end customer is, especially because the device costs $299 and then a monthly fee of anywhere between $99 USD and $999 USD. If you are that worried about buying something fake that you are willing to drop that kind of cash, just shop from reputable dealers…
Regardless we think this tech is pretty cool and could slow down the mass market of counterfeit bags.
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