As the summer rolls around the corner, many of us will reach into our closets and break out the ubiquitous flip-flop. I bet you can picture it, black calf-long tights with flip flops, board shorts with flip flops, gym shorts with flip flops and the worst of all cargo shorts with flip flops.
While fashion sense should be questioned, and people’s suspect foot hygiene should be questioned, there is actually a much more pressing concern with regards to flip-flops. The truth is, is that they just aren’t that great for your feet. According to the experts on medical websites like, flip flops worn on a daily basis can cause serious foot, hip and knee problems. In fact, many experts in the podiatrist field believe that flip-flops may be the worst types of footwear you can wear. The lack of support can cause rotation issues, plantar fasciitis and many other problems.
Many people dont’ realize that their back pain, shoulder pain or even neck pain can be atributed to the weary flip flop. While they may be comfortable and you may think they look great (they rarely do) you might want to consider not wearing flip flops this summer.