Has Marie Kondo sparked your joy yet? Since the airing of the Netflix Original series Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, which features the Japanese author and organizational guru herself, millions have been clearing out closets and clutter throughout their homes.
The series is based on Kondo’s 2014 best-selling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, which describes her tidying method: “KonMari” which focuses on the organization of five categories — with clothing as the first.
Now, with millions doing KonMari, which requires you to throw out items that don’t necessarily bring you joy, thrift store donations have been booming everywhere.
According to Sara Gaugl, Value Village’s official spokesperson, store donations have jumped since the debut of now-viral series on New Year’s day.
“While Value Village typically sees an increase in activity this time of year, we have experienced a rise in clothing and household donations during the first few weeks of 2019,” said Sara Gaugl. “It’s great there is enthusiasm to declutter inspired by Marie Kondo, and we encourage people to pass along items that no longer spark joy to others.”
To make your thrifting experience even more successful, Gaugl also recommends checking out some fashion or home décor magazines for inspiration and current trends before hitting your favourite thrift store.
With secondhand stores rapidly replenishing their racks, there’s truly no better time to shop for fabulous, previously-loved fashion finds.
Besides clothing and accessories, be on the lookout for rare books, kitchen and home appliances and decor.
“Finding the perfect item takes time and a bit of luck, you never know what you’ll find. Each Value Village store puts thousands of new pieces on the floor each day, so make sure you are thrifting often.”
Kondo’s KonMari method also focuses on the decluttering of sentimentals, books, paper, and Komono, which include items from the kitchen, bathroom and garage. So don’t be surprised to the trendy juicer you’ve always wanted.
“Our volume is up 80 per cent compared to last year,” said Paula Wilkie, the Carousel Consignment in Kitchener in an interview with CBC. “They say: ‘We just want it out of the house, we want it out of our sight.'”
Tidying up to benefit others? If you don’t consider that as life-changing magic, then you’ve definitely never gone thrifting. To help you score the best finds, check out our 11 pro thrift shopping tips.
Featured image: Instagram/ @mariekondo
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