An interesting article appeared through CBC News recently and it dove into the story of Colin Meredith – a Montreal based designer who struggled with the materials costs of creating a fashion line and turned to Dollarama for an answer. See, Colin Meredith actually uses everyday items found at Dollarama and transformed them into usable wearable clothing pieces. He wanted to prove to the Canadian design community that you don’t have to have huge financial backers or be rich to make clothing, all you need is creativity.
Meredith’s Dollarama inspired collection is dubbed Dollar Wears, and the pieces are were all made with items Meredith found while walking through the aisles of his local Dollarama. He is quoted as saying “…all the usable materials in there really inspired the process…”
To Meredith, there are quite a few benefits to using materials from Dollarama. Firstly they are inexpensive, secondly, they give a second life to products that are probably destined for a one time use and then a landfill. According to CBC one of the first things Meredith designed was a jacket made from lunch bags – this spiraled into a collection that included track pants made from umbrellas, a pullover made out of Dollarama bags, a jacket made out of beach balls and a few more creative twists.
You can check out the Dollar Wears collections here
Source: CBC NEWS