Toronto Has the Second Most Skyscrapers in North America

An interesting statistic has just appeared on Reddit, and it showcases the new fact that Toronto has the second highest number of high-rise buildings in North America
Toronto Has the Second Most Skyscrapers in North America

An interesting statistic has just appeared on Reddit, and it showcases the new fact that Toronto has the second highest number of high-rise buildings in North America.  The Redditor Redkulat highlights the fact that as a city with a similar population to Chicago, Los Angles and Houston it’s interesting to see that we have more high-rise buildings than all of them combined.  With such a massive and growing city, it’s imperative that the city’s other infrastructure continues to grow with the level of commercial and condo development.

Here are the current number of high-rise buildings in other cities.

New York: 6,208

Toronto: 2,373

Mexico City: 1,402

Chicago: 1,292

Los Angeles: 548

Houston: 516


#Toronto 2017

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