When it comes to designer handbags, one thing we know for certain is that they are expensive.
For a lot of people, it’s hard to justify dropping four digits or more on a handbag that might go out of style in the next few years or even months. But after watching how much care and precision goes into making a luxury brand’s most coveted bags, you might be singing a different tune.
Below, you’ll see how five different fashion houses create some of the most popular bags of the moment. And who knows, it might even be all the convincing you need to bite the bullet and splurge on a designer bag — after all, some experts are saying that its the smartest investment you can make right now.
Hermès Kelly Bag
One of the French fashion house’s most famous bags, the Kelly was actually created back in 1930. However, it didn’t get its name until 1956 when Hollywood starlet Grace Kelly used the bag to hide her baby bump and caused a frenzy with fans. According to Spotted Fashion, prices for the Kelly bag range between $7,250 and $11,800 U.S., however, rare makes can be found online for upwards of $95,915 CAD. Each bag takes 20-25 hours of work by a single artisan to make, so there’s a lot of love and care that goes into this pricey bag.
Dior Saddle Bag
In the past few seasons, the Dior Saddle Bag has made a major comeback thanks to the fashion community’s love for the ’90s and ’00s. In recent times, it’s been spotted on celebrities like Bella Hadid, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Kendall Jenner, and more. The classic sized saddle bag ranges between $2,950 and $6,900 CAD.
Gucci Soft Stirrup Bag
Seen on celebrities like Selma Hayek, Naomi Watts, Pippa Middleton, and Rachel Zoe, the Gucci Soft Stirrup Bag may no longer be sold in stores, but it’s certainly had its moments. As one of the more affordable handbags on this list, the Soft Stirrup can be found on Tradesy for between $500 and $1500 U.S.
Chanel Gabrielle, Boy, and Classic Bag
For handbag collectors, Chanel is one of the most iconic and coveted brands. Along with Hermès, Chanel’s classic styles retain value — in fact, experts say certain handbags are actually a smart investment. And it’s easy to see why some handbags are more valuable than others after watching these videos. So much precision, detail, and care goes into Chanel’s collection of handbags.
Fendi Peekaboo Bag
Another luxury brand have to a major moment right now is Fendi. Thanks to logomania (and a little help from the Kardashians), the brand is back on everyone’s most wanted list. If you’re looking for something a little more timeless than the brand’s ever-popular Baguette Bag, Fendi’s Peekaboo Bag is the one you want to splurge on. Available is four different sizes — mini, XS, regular, and X-lite regular — the bag ranges between $3,750 and $5,700 CAD.
Feature image: Instagram/@thenextcloset
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