Well, we knew this day would come. Netflix is about to get more expensive. The mega streaming hub has recently announced that it will be increasing membership prices for new members and that this increase will take effect immediately.
News has also come out that there will be an increase to Canadian Netflix subscribers in the coming weeks as well. If you are a Netflix user, you will be notified of this change through email.
The previous rate for Netflix was $7.99 for one screen viewing in standard definition, people with that plan will now have to pay $8.99 a month. The most common plan which users pay ($9.99 for two screens with HD viewing) will now be raised to $10.99.
The largest price hike will apply to the premium service which allows up to four screens and HD playback. Currently, this service costs $11.99. The new prices will see this service reach the cost of $13.99 per month.
Netflix states that the price hike is due to new features being added to the service. It’s no coincidence that a price hike came shortly after Netflix announced it was $20 billion in debt. Original programming is expensive and Netflix wants continued success in this arena.
We will have to see if the price hike causes people to ditch the service.
Source: Netflix