7 Super Affordable Ways to Give Old Furniture New Life

There are ways to fix up the furniture so you don’t have to spend a bunch of cash on a trip to IKEA. Refurbish old furniture with these handy tips.
7 Super Affordable Ways to Give Old Furniture New Life

Finding and funding rent for an apartment to yourself in the city is financially tough enough, so when it comes to furnishing, there’s usually not much budget left. Inherited old furniture is the way to go, and typically mom and dad are more than willing to help out. Problem is, most things they’ll offer up will be from the 70’s and, although in decent condition, aren’t exactly a perfect match to your new condo. Good news is, there’s ways to fix up the furniture so you don’t have to spend a bunch of cash on a trip to IKEA. Whether it’s a mirror or dresser, we got you covered with tips on how to refurbish your parent’s old furniture.

Paint It

First you sand it, then you prime it, and finally, you paint it whatever colour your heart desires.

refurbish old furniture
Image: Pinterest

Stain It

Worn out wood from the 70’s is a look none of us are going for. Luckily, stain is cheap and easy, although it takes a day to do properly. Make your worn out light wood dresser modern with a couple coats of dark strain and, voila, it matches your new place.

Image: Pinterest


Make it Antique

Colourful antique is trendy, and it’s also really easy. All you’ll need is some spray paint and sandpaper. First, spray it. Once it’s dry, sand off some of the paint in small patches to get the vintage look and feel. You’ll have new, old furniture in no time.

Image: Pinterest


Change the Handles

Changing the handles on a piece of furniture is the equivalent to a face lift. Good news is, they’re easy to change and cheap to purchase. Have fun with it! Mix and match and make it your own.

refurbish old furniture
Image: Pinterest


Fix the Wear and Tear

Of course, old furniture tends to come with a couple deep scratches and dents from the wear and tear. It’s easy to fix any chips with Kwikwood, a putty that repairs and rebuilds wood. You can paint or sand over and you won’t even know it was ever there.

refurbish old furniture
Image: Pinterest


Go Gold

Because you can never have too much gold around, and it makes a perfect accent.

refurbish old furniture
Image: Pinterest


Add Design

The best part of old furniture is you can have fun with it. Adding design is easy. You’ll can use a stencil, old lace, or some tape will do, and spray paint over it to add an extra layer of dimension and personalization.

refurbish old furniture
Image: Pinterest

Do you have any other tips on how to refurbish old furniture? Share them in the comment section!

Featured Image: Pixabay 

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