You Can Now Take A Virtual Tour Of Buckingham Palace

You Can Now Take A Virtual Tour Of Buckingham Palace

The only we can experience new things these days is through the internet and while it’s scary to think how heavily we’re relying on it, we have to admit that it’s the main thing bringing us together through this rough time. Going on virtual tours of zoos, aquariums, and even theme parks is currently our new normal and while it’ll never beat the real thing, it sure is cool to take in these sights from the comfort (and safety!) of home. One virtual tour that we’re crazy excited about is of the ultimate royal household: Buckingham Palace.

buckingham palace
Royal Family Website

That’s right, the royal residence of Queen Elizabeth II is now tourable online and not only do you get an inside look inside, there’s also lots of information available to learn.

In addition to the palace being a royal residence, it’s also a massive tourist attraction and in the summer, you can tour it yourself in the summer while The Queen is in Scotland.

The Royal Family website features virtual tours of multiple rooms inside Buckingham Palace including the White Drawing Room, Throne Room, and Grand Staircase.

Royal Family Website

Still need some more virtual entertainment? Why not go on some virtual roller coaster rides, take in a virtual museum exhibit, or even check out Disney World? Even though we’re staying inside, it doesn’t mean you have to be bored!

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