Drake Secretly Has a Large Collection of Hermès Birkin Bags and He’s Been Collecting For years

Drake sat down The Hollywood Reporter one of the most interesting things to come out of the interview was that Drake secretly owns a collection of the  Hermès Birkin bags
Drake Secretly Has a Large Collection of Hermès Birkin Bags and He's Been Collecting For years

If you follow hometown hero Drake on Instagram, you may have seen @Champagnepapi’s announcement that he will be working on producing a television series with Netflix and Apple in 2018. Drake has been in the news big time over the past few weeks, and recently he sat down The Hollywood Reporter to discuss all his newest work, but one of the most interesting things to come out of the interview was the fact that Drake secretly owns a large collection of the coveted Hermès Birkin bag. He’s been collecting them for years and is quoted as saying the bags are for the “woman I end up with.” Well considering many women love Birkin bags more as much as they love Drake we’re sure he’ll have quite a few takers.

Getting a Hermès Bag is actually quite hard, Read Here how it’s done:

Wish List, Wait List or No List: What it’s Like Buying an Hermès Bag


If you’re looking for some good Friday entertainment at work, this is worth a watch.