Canada Made Major History And Finally Legalized Marijuana

Canada Made Major History And Finally Legalized Marijuana

It’s been a long wait but the Canadian Senate finally passed the bill to legalize recreational marijuana, with a vote of 52 to 29. This means that a legal cannabis market will be open and operating in just 8 to 12 weeks. We are officially the second country to have ever legalized marijuana!

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been promising Canadians to legalize marijuana since his 2015 campaign. He advocated in favour of legalization to take “marijuana off the streets and instead allow adults who use it to purchase it in a safe way.”

The government had originally aimed at making recreational marijuana available by July 1 but now the date is officially October 17th. Once legal, Canadians will be able to possess and purchase as much as 30 grams at one time. This can be shared with other legal adults. It still hasn’t been fully figured out how marijuana will be sold in Ontario but it seems Doug Ford favours independent retailers as opposed to government-operated stores.

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“We’ve just witnessed a historic vote for Canada. The end of 90 years of prohibition. Transformative social policy, I think. A brave move on the part of the government,” Dean said while also noting that he felt great about the outcome.

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Featured Image: Instagram/@bloominthecannabislife

Are you excited that marijuana is finally going to be legal for recreational uses? Let us know in the comments!

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