So, we’ve posted about it quite a bit, so you should already know about the ordeal that landed H&M in hot water. H&M has apologized profusely for the “coolest monkey in the jungle” sweater incident, but that hasnt’ stopped major celebrities like the Weeknd and G-Eazy from distancing themselves from the brand. Not only has there been a major celebrity backlash, in South Africa stores were confronted by protestors where some of the demonstrators trashed and vandalized H&M stores.
So what do you do if you are a major retailer facing a serious backlash? You give the people what they want and host a sale. While H&M hasn’t officially come out and said that this is an apology sale many shoppers find it extremely convenient that the brand is having such a heavily discounted winter sale a week after the incident.

It will be interesting to see how the sale goes, and it begs the question can a great sale make people forget about a huge mistake? Only time will tell.